Monday, June 11, 2007

Quest for the Ultimate Wedgie - A Booty Shaking Experience

Girl in latex thong bikini panties is lifted by crane cable in ultimate wedgie
Ultimate Wedgie by Crane

What happens when three beautiful woman go on a quest for the ultimate wedgie.

A wedgie like no one has experienced before.

Girl suspended by Crane cable attached to her latex thongs bikini panties
Crane Operator's View

as Girls Dangle and Dance in Their Latex Thongs

To endure the stresses that no pair of latex thong bikini panties had to endure before.

Well, this is the video clip of that quest for the ultra latex thong bikini wedgie stretch.

Stretch Latex Thong Bikini Panty
How Far Will a Latex Thong Bikini Panty Stretch?

For these three beautiful girls have found a crane operator that will take them to new heights in there quest for the ultimate wedgie.

Observe, as the first girl blue latex thong bikini panty is attached on both sides to cables from the crane.

Stretch Latex Thong Bikini Panties Reach Their Limit
Going Going Gone

She is lifted skyward until the material on thong panties breaks and she falls to the protective mate.

The second girl, in yellow green ultra latex thong bikini dances on the end of the crane cable as she is hosted up by both sides of her green thong bikini panties, spinning around like a top as the latex thong continues to stretch.

Stretch Latex Thong Bikini Panties Breaks
Latex Thong Bikini Panties Break
Sending The Girl To The Mat

Her kickers - latex thong bikini panties stretch well over her shoulders.

Next up, a girl in purple thong bikini panties, whose legs are in constant motion as the crane raises her off the ground.

Watch as the material streches into her booty crack just before she falls to the ground.

If your e-mail or reader does not display the movie The Ultra Wedgie just click here.

All in all, some very uplifting moments in the quest for the ultimate wedgie.