Friday, May 19, 2006

Wedding Planner for Brides and Bridesmaids - Not!

June is traditionally the month for weddings.

Avoid bending over in a hoop wedding gown

Avoid bending over in a hoop wedding gown

This handy video clips demonstrates some of those situations both brides and bridesmaids should avoid when planning the perfect wedding and wedding day.

If you plan to wear a hoop wedding dress then do avoid situations requiring you to bend over.

Cell phones should be turned off prior to entering the wedding chapel.

Watch out were you throw the wedding bouquet.

Don't play ring around the rosie near the wedding table.

Worst Wedding Moments - video powered by Metacafe

Avoid pools at all cost.

And definitely, avoid throwing the bridesmaids into the air.

Avoid placing your nest egg or money tree near a candelabra.

An, if all else fails - enjoy the video clip.

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